Progress & Results
- Deliverables: As a contractual commitment to the European Union, the project has committed to a number of reports known as deliverables, which will be written and publicly accessible from the deliverables page.
- Milestones: Throughout the project, milestones or checkpoints indicate the success of the project's progress. The full list of milestones is available on the milestones page, including reports where relevant.
- Knowledge transfer: SESAME engineers as well as scientific staff from some SESAME Members are stationed at CERN and they are fully integrated to the fabrication of the magnetic system. The knowledge transfer page provides information on the progress of their training.
- Publications: Scientific publications associated with CESSAMag work are stored in the CDS database. These publications include: journal publications, conference papers, scientific reports, notes, academic dissertations, presentations and books.
- Project indicators: you will find on the project indicators page the key performance indicators of the project as well as its progress.
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