Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4
Year 1
Mil. no. | Milestone name | WP no. | Planned delivery date | Actual delivery date | Status | Comments |
MS1 |
Kick-off meeting with SESAME directorate |
1 | M1 | 22/06/2012 | Achieved |
Minutes |
MS2 |
CESSAMag intranet |
1 | M1 | 28/11/2012 | Achieved | |
MS3 |
Presentation to SESAME TAC and Council of work progress |
1 | M1 | 13/11/2012 | Achieved |
Council minutes |
MS4 |
Beam dynamics requirements from SESAME |
2 | M3 | 31/10/2014 | Achieved |
Several iterations by SESAME and then CERN and SESAME |
MS5 |
Approval by SESAME Technical Director and CERN of quadrupole design report, incl. integration aspect |
2 | M3 | 19/04/213 | Achieved |
Approval in EDMS |
MS6 |
Approval by SESAME Technical Director and CERN of sextupoles design report, incl. integration aspect |
2 | M3 | 19/04/2013 | Achieved |
Approval in EDMS |
MS7 |
Technical specifications and tendering documents (quadrupoles) |
3 | M4 | 30/06/2013 | Achieved | |
MS8 |
Technical specifications and tendering documents (sextupoles) |
3 | M5 | 31/01/2014 | Achieved | |
MS9 |
Approval by SESAME Technical Director and CERN of dipole design report, incl. integration aspect |
2 | M5 | 17/05/2013 | Achieved |
Approval in EDMS |
MS10 |
CESSAMag public web site |
1 | M5 | 09/07/2013 | Achieved | |
MS11 |
Technical specifications and tendering documents (bending magnets) |
3 | M6 | 30/06/2013 | Achieved | |
MS12 |
Presentation to SESAME TAC and Council of work |
1 | M6 | 29/05/2013 | Achieved |
Council & EC meeting minutes |
MS13 |
Adjudication of contracts (bending magnets) |
3 | M8 | 30/09/2013 | Achieved |
Contract |
MS14 |
Adjudication of contracts (quadrupoles) |
3 | M8 | 30/09/2013 | Achieved |
Contract |
MS15 |
Adjudication of contracts (sextupoles) |
3 | M10 | 31/03/2014 | Achieved | Contract |
MS16 |
Rotating coil bench (for quadrupoles and sextupoles measurements) ready |
4 | M10 | 31/10/2014 | Achieved |
Picture in Y1&Y2 report |
MS17 |
Design report and CERN-SESAME review and acceptance of power supplies |
5 | M10 | 11/06/2014 | Achieved |
Report is part of D5.1 |
MS18 |
Presentation to SESAME TAC and Council of work progress, including interim report to ECII |
1 | M12 | 26/11/2013 | Achieved |
Council& EC meeting minutes |
Year 2
Mil. no. | Milestone name | WP no. | Planned delivery date | Actual delivery date | Status | Comments |
MS19 |
3D scanner (for dipole measurements) ready |
4 | M15 | 31/10/2014 | Achieved |
Picture in Y1&Y2 report |
MS20 |
Rotating coil bench shipped to SESAME |
4 | M17 | - | Suppressed |
Decisions due to change of strategy. The measurements are taking place at CERN and not at SESAME. |
MS21 |
Fabrication review before series production (quadrupoles) |
3 | M17 | 12/09/2014 | Achieved |
Email to Coordinator |
MS22 |
Fabrication review before series production (sextupoles) |
3 | M17 | 05/09/2014 | Achieved |
Email to Coordinator |
MS23 |
Signing of contract (power supplies) |
5 | M17 | 30/07/2014 | Achieved |
Contracts are confidential |
MS24 |
Procedure to measure series quadrupoles and sextupoles |
4 | M18 | 31/10/2014 | Achieved |
Included in the report |
MS25 |
Presentation to SESAME TAC and Council of work progress, including interim report to EC III |
1 | M18 | 13/05/2014 | Achieved |
Council & EC meeting minutes |
MS26 |
Fabrication review before series production (bending magnets) |
3 | M20 | 11/12/2014 | Achieved |
Report in EDMS |
MS27 |
Procedure to measure series dipole magnets |
4 | M22 | 31/10/2014 | Achieved |
Report included in Y1&Y2 report |
MS28 |
Presentation to SESAME TAC and Council of work progress, including interim report to EC IV |
1 | M24 |
TAC: 29/09/2014 Council: 03/12/2014 |
Achieved |
Minutes and email |
Year 3
Mil. no. | Milestone name | WP no. | Planned delivery date | Actual delivery date | Status | Comments |
MS29 |
Presentation to SESAME TAC and Council of work progress, including interim report to EC V |
1 | M30 | 13/04/2015 | Achieved | Council & EC meeting minutes |
MS30 |
Planning of the support activities |
6 | M31 | 09/12/2015 | Achieved | Document |
MS31 |
Factory acceptance test (power supplies) |
5 | M32 | 15/10/2015 | Achieved |
Power supplies shipped to SESAME. More |
MS32 |
Delivery to SESAME |
5 | M33 | 15/04/2016 | Achieved | Power supplies arrived in Jordan, ready for installation. |
MS33 |
Presentation to SESAME TAC and Council of work progress, including interim report to EC VI |
1 | M36 | 29/11/2015 | Achieved |
Council & EC meeting minutes |
Year 4
Mil. no. | Milestone name | WP no. | Planned delivery date | Actual delivery date | Status | Comments |
MS34 |
Presentation to SESAME TAC and Council of work progress, including interim report to EC VII |
1 | M42 | 31/05/2016 | Achieved |
Council & EC meeting minutes |
MS35 |
Presentation to SESAME TAC and Council of work progress, including interim report to EC VIII |
1 | M48 | 07/12/2016 | Achieved |
Council & EC meeting minutes |